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2013 - ... :École de Théâtre Universelle (FR)

2013 - ... :École de Théâtre Universelle (FR)

The first generalist theater school in sign language immersion, the ETU offers a two-year diploma course.

Martin Cros and Alexandre Bernhardt are leading this unique project in France and in Europe, driven by their educational, cultural and human success in teaching theater in sign language since 2013 at the Théâtre du Grand Rond in Toulouse. Olivier Schetrit, actor and storyteller in sign language, Doctor of Anthropology, sponsors the project.

The school also relies on a large community of signatory cultural associations specific to the city of Toulouse. Many sign actors and stage directors of sign language shows will participate in this training to promote the development and visibility of visual engineering specific to sign language.

The school aims to train future students:

  • theater actors,
  • film actors and actresses,
  • storytellers,
  • actor trainers,
  • creators of shows,
  • directors.
  • being a general practitioner,

it is also a gateway for people signing up to become:

  • playwright,
  • scenographer,
  • light manager,
  • decorator.

The theater school, exclusively in sign language, is generalist, demanding, diploma-based and based on pedagogy by project. This innovative research site is enriched by numerous partnerships and exchanges.

(translation from French by Google Translate)

640x410 partie stagiaires premiere formation diplomante art spectacle visuel langue signes dispensee universite jean jaures scene theatre grand rond

Une partie des stagiaires de la première formation diplomante — Samuel Martin/UT2J.

Source: http://e-t-u.org

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