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AT: Taubstummengasse

AT: Taubstummengasse Vienna

In Vienna, there is a street (and a subway station) called the Taubstummengasse, the Deafmute Alley. 

During the time of Joseph II, a school for deaf-mute children was established in Vienna. After several locations, in the 1820s the “Taubstummeninstitut” was brought to the fourth district.

In 2008, the Österreichischer Gehörlosenbund/Austrian National Association of the Deaf (ÖGLB) in cooperation with the Wiener Linien ensured that a memorial and information plaque was placed in the underground station to ensure that visitors to the station would know about the history of the place and how it came to get its name. President of the ÖGLB Helene Jarmer signed at the unveiling: "It is important for us to use all possible channels to raise public awareness. That is why this plaque is an important step towards more attention for our issues" [orig. „Es ist für uns wichtig, alle möglichen Kanäle zur Sensibilisierung der Öffentlichkeit zu nutzen. Deshalb ist diese Gedenktafel ein wichtiger Schritt zu mehr Aufmerksamkeit für unsere Themen“]. For more information in German: https://www.bizeps.or.at/gedenktafel-bei-u-bahnstation.../

Update May 2022; A new sign!