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1465? -1548: Joanot de Pau (Joan Pau Guardiola), Painter (ES)

Joanot de Pau was an active painter in the Segarra , Solsonès and several Pyrenean regions, and he must be considered one of the paradigmatic masters of the first renaissance in Lleida. He is remembered, above all, for being born deaf-mute.

He was of the Jewish religion, and converted to Christianity in 1482. He was called the Mute, as he was deaf from birth. Possible descendant of the Querci. He collaborated with Pere Alegret on the altarpiece of the Souls in the parish church of Cervera (1500). He painted the altarpiece of Sant Isidre for Santa Maria de Cervera (1507). 

(source: https://dadescat.info/guardi.htm)

Also see: https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_de_la_Mare_de_Déu_del_Roser_i_el_cavaller_de_Colònia

Source: https://www.ara.cat/cultura/museu-lleida-miracle-roser-colonia_1_2471053.html

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