2000 - Now
2003: UK, Legal Recognition of British Sign Language
British Sign Language (BSL) is an official minority language of the UK, recognised on 18th March 2003.
2003 - ...: Festival Clin d'Oeil (FR)
The Festival Clin d'Oeil is an international sign language arts festival created in 2003, taking place every two years in July for four days. Several artistic fields are represented: theater, dance, cinema, visual arts, street performances, etc.
2003: Paddy Lad, "Deafhood"
Dr. Paddy Ladd is a Deaf scholar, author, activist and researcher of Deaf culture. His book "Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood" was published in 2003.
2003: Walloon - Belgium, Legal Recognition of French Belgian Sign Language
Belgium's Parliament of the French Community recognised French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB) by decree in October 2003. The recognition entails:
- cultural (symbolic) recognition
- the formation of a commission to advise the Government of the French Communityin all LSFB-related matters
2004: Iceland, Legal Recognition of Icelandic Sign Language
Icelandic Sign Language was recognised by law in education in 2004.
2004: Ομοσπονδία Κωφών Κύπρου Cyprus Deaf Federation
- no information yet -
2005 - 2007: Helga Stevens President of EUD
EUD President, 2005 - 2007: Helga Stevens ( Belgium)
2005: Austria, Legal Recognition of Austrian Sign Language
Austrian Sign Language (Österreichische Gebärdensprache, or ÖGS) was recognised by the Austrian Parliament in 2005.
2006: Cyprus, Legal Recognition of Cypriot Sign Language
Cyprus or Cypriot Sign Language (Greek: Κυπριακή Νοηματική Γλώσσα) is an incipient sign language of Cyprus.
2006: Flanders - Belgium: Legal Recognition of Flemish Sign Language
Flemish Sign Language (Dutch: Vlaamse Gebarentaal or VGT) was recognised on 24 April 2006 by the Flemish Parliament.
Cultural recognition entails that the Flemish Government recognises the Flemish Sign Language as the language of the Deaf Community in Flanders.
2006: Adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by the UN (UN CRPD)
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNRPD) was adopted on 13 December 2006.
It is the first comprehensive human rights treaty of the 21st century and is the first human rights convention to be open for signature by regional organizations. The Convention entered into force on 3 May 2008.