1900 - 2000
1900 - 100
1981: Irish Deaf Society (IDS)
The IDS was set up by a group of Deaf people on the 13th January 1981. They were concerned with a society that was not treating Deaf people as equals.
1981: Sweden, Legal Recognition of Swedish Sign Language
In May 1981, the Swedish Parliament decided that: “deaf have to be bilingual to function amongst themselves and in society. Bilingualism on their part means that they have to be fluent in their visual/gestural language and in the language that surrounds them, Swedish.” This decision is recognised as acceptance that Swedish Sign Language is the first language of Swedish deaf people.
1983: Foundation of EDSO, European Deaf Sports Organisation
Previous to the foundation of the EDSO in 1983 there were already European Championships of the Deaf since 1967. At this time they were still under the auspices of the Comité International des Sports (CISS), the World Federation of Deaf Sports. However, since their task was the promotion of deaf sports world-wide, they were not able to organise European Championships on a regular basis.
For this reason the countries Belgium, Netherlands, France and Germany took the initiative to found a European Deaf Sport Federation which had the task to provide orderly and regular European Championships. For this reason the delegates of the 4 countries met a few times to determine the shape and the programme of a European Deaf Sport Federation.
40 countries with 50.000 athletes in 1.000 Deaf Sports Clubs are members of the EDSO.
1985: Foundation of the European Union of the Deaf (EUD)
The European Union of the Deaf (EUD) was founded in 1985.
It is EUD's vision that Deaf people all over Europe have equality in both public and private aspects of life. Its main objectives it wants realised are: the recognition of the right to use an indigenous sign language, empowerment through communication and information, and equality in education and employment.
1986: Foundation of the European Society of Mental Health and Deafness (ESMHD)
ESMHD was established in 1986 by a group of concerned people from four European countries: the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain and Germany.
The ESMHD now has members from most European Union Countries as well as from countries outside Europe.
1987: Foundation of the EUDY (European Union of the Deaf Youth)
Established in 1987, EUDY (European Union of the Deaf Youth) is the only organisation representing the interests of Deaf Youth Europeans in Europe. EUDY exists to promote, advance, protect rights, and opportunities for Deaf people in Europe. Emancipation and equal opportunities are key philosophies in our work towards achieving an equal position in society with recognition of Deaf people as full citizens in our right.
EUDY's Vision:
In world where all Deaf Youth who use sign language are able to enjoy their rights, fulfil their responsibilities and obligations, and participate fully as they choose at every level of society.
1987: Foundation of Teatteri Totti (Finland)
Theater Totti is the only sign language theater in Finland.It was founded in 1987.
Theater Totti produces his performances for many different age groups, from children to adults and older generations. The plays can also be interpreted into speech for non-sign language viewers.
Every year, Toti has one to two of the theater's own sign language productions in its repertoire.
1988: Deaf President Now (USA)
A "Deaf President Now" (DPN) student demonstration was held at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. On March 13
The protest began on March 6, 1988, when the Board of Trustees announced its decision to appoint a hearing candidate, Elizabeth Zinser, over the other highly qualified Deaf candidates, Irving King Jordan and Harvey Corson, as its seventh president.
1990: Svaz Neslyšících a Nedoslýchavých v Čr (UDHH) Czech Republic Union of Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Union of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons in the Czech Republic was established on 8 May 1990 as a non-profit civic association.
1991: Asociácia Nepočujúcich Slovenska (ANEPS) ; Slovak Association of the Deaf
The Association of the Deaf of Slovakia (ANEPS) is a voluntary civic association of a humanitarian and charitable nature, formed by the hearing impaired themselves.