Items tagged with RUSSIA
1806: First School for the Deaf in Russia, Pavlovsk, St. Petersburg
"From 1806, the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna sponsored educatioal work among deaf children in St. Petersburg. With philanthropic support, the largest school in Russia, the St. Petersburg Institute for the Deaf (Санкт-Петербургское училище глухонемых), emerged there."
1857 - 1935: Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky, Rocket Scientist (RU)
Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) "The Father of Rocketry." He educated himself by reading books in his home library, particularly those on science and mathematics. He discovered physics which led him to develop inventions, such as ideas for steam-driven and wind-propelled carriages, paper aerostats, and lathes.
1960 - ..: Alexander Matianov, Painter (RU)
Alexander Martianov was born in 1960 in a village not far from the town of Vyatka in the Russian Federation.
Mr Martianov has described his work in this way: “I find my own forms in art that can express my thoughts and internal images. I believe deafness has influenced my art in the sense that my world vision is connected to my deafness, and I try to express this in my work. My style has changed very little in recent years. Whatever changes there have been reflect my inner experience and images.”